
Monday, September 3, 2012

My Enemy

Is writers block... and right now it's decided to hit. It totally sucks! I know the general idea for the next act in the project, but I can't seem to get the words down on paper. It's so very terrible! Plus, I've given myself a deadline (Thursdays) to have posts up for everyone's enjoyment, and I'm really freaking out that I may not be able to make it this round... So terrible.

I gotta try to come up with something, but then again, at the same time I don't want to rush it because I want it to be enjoyable and a good read still. I hate rushing things, because they never come out the same. Anyhow.. Had to get that off my chest. I will try my very best to get the next act done by Thursday, but... it may not be ready until Friday or even over the weekend. I apologize!


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