
-Training with the Handsome Sword Master-

"Fay," Keyra started slowly, getting the little Fae's attention as she was perched on Keyra's shoulder, "When we first met, you were in a box... Um, why?"

Fay flung herself down on Keyra's shoulder, kicking her legs out as she stared at Raiyn's back who was several paces ahead of them.

"Remember the men that attacked you and Raiyn came in to save you?"

Keyra blushed slightly as she nodded, "Yes."

"Well, a couple days before that we were tracking them because we had heard a rumor that they had a demon stone. So one night when we finally caught up to them, Raiyn told me to go into their camp and search their belongings," Fay's voice held a hint of embarrassment, "so I went into the camp and started searching.

“I got to an opened box and well, when I got inside," Fay began playing with her fingers, a little bit of a blush on her face and Keyra couldn't help but smile, "I started looking around and the top closed on me. I couldn't get out, it was dark and scary!"

"Oh, Fay," Keyra laughed, "I'm sorry you got locked in a box. At least Raiyn saved you."

"He nearly killed me!" The little fairy jumped up with a jolt, throwing her tiny fist in the air as she glared at Raiyn's back. Keyra had to smother her smile so that Fay wouldn't see and grow angrier.

"Do you know where we are heading?"

Fay turned her head and looked up at Keyra, "Nope. I don't usually ask. He knows where he's going and that's all that matters."

"How long have you known him?"

"Many years. He saved me from near death when he was younger. When I was nursed back to health I pledged myself to him and haven't left him since," Fay walked up Keyra's shoulder and got closer to her ear, "He may seem cold, but he's actually really caring and nice. You just have to warm up to him."

"Fay, that's enough," Raiyn's voice called back to them. Keyra looked up, noticing that he had stopped and she was standing very close to him. Startled, she gasped slightly and took several steps backwards.

"I didn't do anything!" Fay exclaimed.

"We'll stop here and eat. I want you to show me what you can do with that sword," his brown gaze dropped to the weapon on her hip and then back up to her face. Keyra narrowed her eyes slightly and gave him a short nod in reply. She felt nervous, mostly because she knew she wasn't very good with the sword. The last person who had trained her had gotten killed; she couldn't remember much about it except that the Shades had come after her and killed anyone she was with.

Fay jumped off her shoulder and in a short spark, glittering wings exploded from her back and she fluttered over to Raiyn. Once the little fairy landed, her wings disappeared. Keyra watched as he went and sat down at the base of a tree and Fay let her magic fly bringing forth a basket from thin air.

She was amazed that the little pixie could summon such a large basket. However, her amazement was smothered by the caution that she'd come to live by. Keyra hadn't allowed herself close to anyone for several years. Aside from her friend Llya, she'd kept her distance from everyone.

It was that fear and hesitation that kept her standing on the road, looking between Raiyn and Fae and the dusty road ahead of her. Would he stop her, if she just kept walking? She wondered what he really wanted, but her heart and throat clenched as the answer came by itself. He wanted her power to find demon jewels and destroy them. Her eyebrow came down though as she thought about how he'd stopped her from destroying the demon stone from the town they'd just left.

"Are you going to stand there all day?"

She snapped back to the present and shot her gaze to Raiyn who was watching her as she stood there. With a faint blush, she walked over to them and sat down, albeit a little ways away from him. He leaned against the tree, his eyes watching her carefully as he ate a piece of bread. Fay had turned into her human form and dug into the basket enthusiastically. 

Fay pulled out another piece of bread and handed it to Keyra along with a piece of meat. She took the food and thanked the Fae before she started eating. It was strange, sitting and eating with company. It was something she hadn't done in a couple of years. Llya had been the only one who had seen her as a friend rather than a tool. Keyra remembered the days spent lounging in the sunlight, amongst the flowers and the deep green grass. 

The smell of freshly baked bread and cooked stew came from the house that Llya lived in with her family. It was the day that Keyra had decided to leave. She had stayed with Llya and her family for a couple of months, and she was getting restless. It had been the longest she'd stayed in one place ever since the loss of her sword master. Keyra looked over to Llya, the tiny little girl who was the same age as her, was staring up at the sky, a brilliant smile on her face. 

Keyra had a flash of that smile and beautiful face stained with blood, lifeless blue eyes staring at nothing. Quickly, she closed her eyes and willed the image away. She sat up slowly and reached for her sheathed sword and belt. The movement was slow as she really didn't want to leave. 

"You're going, aren't you?"

Keyra took a deep breath as she turned to look at Llya, "Yes. I have to."

"No, you don't!" Llya came up from lying down and lunged for Keyra's arm. The tight grip was filled with pleading, "Please, don't go! You can stay here! You'll be alright here!"

Keyra slowly shook her head as Llya's eyes trembled and the start of tears could be seen at the edges of her eyes, "I can't," Keyra said, her voice shaking slightly. 

Llya's eyebrows turned up, her eyes shining with tears as she stared at Keyra, "No," she whispered, shaking her head as she began to cry. 

Keyra turned and pulled the girl into a tight hug, all the while fighting off her own tears that burned and threatened to fall, "I have to. To protect you, I have to."

"You're my only friend, Keyra. Please don't go!"

Keyra shook with Llya's sobbing. The girl held her tightly, with a strength that she didn't think Llya had. Hot liquid spilled from her eyes as she held Llya, rocking back and forth, "I'll come back. I promise. Once I figure this out, I'll come back okay?"

Llya pulled away, her red stained eyes still shining as she looked up at Keyra, "Really? You promise?"

"I promise," Keyra repeated, putting a smile on her face. 

"Alright. I'll be waiting for you."


She looked up to the voice to see Fay was crouching real close to her, her blue eyes filled with worry. Keyra  realized that she'd been staring at the food that was in her hands. Her face felt wet, so she reached up touching her cheek and realized that she'd been crying. Quickly, she wiped her face and smiled softly at Fay.

"I'm fine."

"You're sure? You just started crying."

"I'm sure, thank you for the food," Keyra said and busied herself with eating. Once she was finished, Raiyn stood and unsheathed his sword. He motioned for her to stand as well. Keyra did as she was asked and unsheathed her sword. 

"Come at me," he ordered.

Arching an eyebrow, she hesitated for a moment, seizing him up as he stood there. His sword was held point down, his body slightly turned as he watched her calmly. Keyra raised her sword, leaned forward and charged at him. As she swung her sword downwards, his weapon came up so quickly that she didn't have time to move. 

Steel clashed, scrapping across each other as he batted away her weapon, turned, grabbed her wrist with his free hand and threw her to the ground. He didn't have to use any muscle to throw her either, just pulled her down using her own momentum. Keyra rolled across the dirt, surprised and in awe at what happened. 

"Get up. Your balance is off because you're standing wrong," Raiyn said as he twisted his sword around in his hand and turned to face her, "Stand like this."

He positioned himself the way he was before as Keyra got to her feet. She looked at him carefully, noting where his feet were position and how he held his sword. She matched his stance, and instantly felt her body balance out evenly. She kept the surprise to herself though and narrowed her eyes at him, determined to match his skill.


Keyra, unsure of how to attack him with the way she was standing, ran at him again and swung her sword upwards to try to cut at his chest. His blade came up and blocked the blow, but he didn't throw her this time. They stood there, locked together for a moment. Keyra's eyes narrowed as she gazed up at him, his face as smooth as ever as he looked down at her. 

"Better, but not good enough," he said and shoved her away from him. She stumbled and fell, to which Raiyn rolled his eyes and sighed. Keyra got to her feet again and resumed the stance he'd shown her, but as she was about to attack him, her chest filled with hot, blinding pain and she gasped, dropping down to her knees. 

"Keyra!?" Fay was next to her instantly.

"That's... a... bad... idea," she managed to gasp as she glared at Raiyn.

He returned her hot look and shook his head, "I didn't do anything."

"Then there's another demon jewel nearby," Fay said in shock. 

"Fay, see what you can do to keep her from losing it."

The Fae nodded her head and turned her attention to Keyra who was struggling to breath past the growing pressure and pain of the magic inside her. Blue light filled her vision as Fay tried with her own magic to push down Keyra's. Out of the corner of her eyes, she spotted Raiyn moving to stand in front of both of them with his sword ready. Voices from people she couldn't see came from the sparse trees that surrounded them.

"Move, boy and we won't kill you. We only want the Jewel Princess."

"Sorry, but I'm not going anywhere," Raiyn replied, a different tone to his voice that made Keyra's heart jump. Why is he protecting me? She thought, but she couldn't keep up with the conversation afterwards as Fay's magic did nothing to keep her from losing control. 

"Raiyn!" Fay yelled as Keyra stood up, her bright green eyes darker and narrowed with deadly intent. The jewel in her sword flashed, pulsing with wind magic. The air around her swirled as the jewel commanded it. She came up right next to Raiyn who cursed as he watched her walk passed him. 

"Keyra!" He yelled, but she didn't listen. Her eyes swept across the group of Shades who had surrounded the small group. She spotted the one who held the demon jewel. He was dressed from head to toe in black. The only part of his body that was visible was his deep, purple eyes. 

"Seems like you've gotten some friends since last we met, little girl," the man said. His voice was deep and scratchy. 

Keyra turned her gaze towards that handsome sword master and the Fae. She didn't say anything in reply to the man only shifted her body slightly, moving the sword in her hand into a better position. The Shade watched her as she eyed him. 

"Surely you remember me," he continued, his purple eyes reflecting his enjoyment, "I'm the one who killed the last man who served as your teacher."

Keyra's lips turned into a deep frown. The magic in her jewel swirled around her and she instantly stepped in front of Raiyn who had become the center of the purple eyed man's attention. 

"So, a piece of yourself does still reside inside you even when you're in this state. Interesting. Well, little Jewel Princess, come dance with me. I won't be so easy on you this time, though." His eyes told her of the smile that she couldn't see. He lifted his black sword, the large demon jewel glittering as it powered up. A flash of electricity racing up the length of the blade. 

Keyra pulled at the power in her own sword, the wind swirling around her weapon and body. A small smile lifted her lips as she prepared to launch her attack.

They Call Themselves Shades Preview:

Wind blades cut through the thin trees, slicing apart branches and trunks alike. Keyra rushed him, using the power of her jewel to move faster. Her blade came up as the Shade blocked her attack. Electricity wrapped around her weapon and shot down to her arms. With a cry of pain, she stumbled backwards. She glared at the Shade with purple eyes.

"I dare say you have gotten a little more deadly since last we fought, Jewel Princess."

"You shouldn't taunt her, not while she's like this anyway," Raiyn called from behind Keyra. She only spared him a quick glance before turning her attention back to the Shade.

A frown pulled at her lips as she watched both of their attacks swiped aside as if they were nothing but paper. She sliced at the air in front of her, sending another barrage of wind blades, then she pulled the weapon back towards her body, crouched down and let the wind envelope her. 

As she was propelled forward, Raiyn yelled, "Keyra! Don't!"

Black lightning enveloped Raiyn as he took the hit for her. His scream pulled at the sleeping side of her, causing Keyra to freeze for a moment as the power of the jewel princess seemed to subside slightly. Her heart raced as she woke up from the darkness she'd gone to while under her own power. Once the Shade's magic faded, Raiyn dropped to the ground wincing in pain, his breath short and filled with agony.

"I have heard that once before. You have chosen interesting company, Raiyn. Are you sure you wish to be in her company?"

"What the hell does that mean?"

"You can't tell? Has she not attacked you for a demon jewel yet? I know you posses a few of them, repressor," The purple eyed Nero taunted lightly.

"That doesn't have any meaning."

"Oh, but it does. You see, Keyra killed her family because she lost control when a demon jewel was near."

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