
-The Jewel Princess-

"You're nothing but a tool, a tool to be used! Get used to it," his voice was rough, deep and rumbling. The face was pitched in darkness; nothing could be made out feature wise. Broad shoulders towered over her, and a sense of terror came next. Pain erupted in her arm, fueling the fire of fear. Then came unbearable heat. Behind the large, intimidating man, flames erupted. The dojo that was on fire, the grounds were ablaze. The house of Valynn was burning to the ground. With it went the terrifying man.

"A tool, to be used. That's what you are girl," the voice was softer, speaking of old age as it rumbled from the old man's throat. In her hands was a weapon, a long sword. The old man's weapon whistled in the air striking at her, hard and fast. She parried, but barely. Sweat was dripping across her body; it was hot in the sunlight. 

She felt... alone, there was no warmth or compassion with the old man. Just as he said, she was a tool, nothing more. As she sparred with him, she felt something warm splash all across her. Looking down, she felt herself let go of the sword as trembling hands brought crimson liquid to her eyes. A dark shadow lifted itself up over her, a cold voice erupted through the darkness and flames bordered the shadows form.

"A tool, a dangerous tool. We must eliminate you," a flash of steel reflected her terrified face, green eyes widened in utter horror, a small mouth opened in shock, yellow hair flipped wildly in the hot air. The clean steel became filthy with blood as it came down at her...

A sharp intake of air rushed into her lungs as she lunged forwards. Sweat covered her from head to toe. It took her a moment to get her breath back. Pulling her legs up, she rested her head on her knees while wrapping her arms around them. Looking up to the wood window that was cracked slightly, she could see the beginnings of dawn creeping through.

"Just a dream Keyra, just a dream," she told herself softly. A dream, no, a memory, that plagued her nights for years. She buried her head between her knees, her hair falling around her face to block out the slight morning light. Keyra couldn't remember the last time she'd stayed in a place for more than a few days. Either they found her and caused absolute chaos in the town she was in, or her power went erratic and she would cause chaos.

It didn't take her long to get dressed and don her weapons. Her simple blue leather shirt pulled on easily as did her pants and boots. She was walking down the stairs of the inn she'd stayed at as she belted on her sword and dagger. Keyra had been on the move for three years, chased by a group of people in black that claimed to be ridding a dangerous tool from the world. They called themselves shades. Many of them used demon jewels in their weapons, they never used angelic jewels. 

Her magic went array every time a demon jewel was near her. She couldn't control herself or her own angelic jewel that was embedded in the hilt of her sword. When she tried to use the power without any demon jewels nearby, she couldn't seem to get it to work. Keyra wasn't entirely sure why they were trying to kill just her. There were officials and knights that went after the group as well because of their illegal use of the demon jewels. 

Shaking her head, she cleared her head of the gloomy thoughts and left her money on the counter for the innkeeper. She left the town soon after, quietly walking along the empty dirt road, her boots kicking up dust around her. Keyra's eyes stared forward, but her mind was elsewhere, like always. Thinking of the past, thinking of the people that she'd met, and what her fate was going to be like. 

In towns before, she'd met people who took her in, but many would immediately try to take her to the town guards to be used as a tool for the kingdom. Others would throw her out when they found out what she could do, fearful of the government in all forms. She'd had one friend before, but Keyra had decided to leave her behind because she feared what would happen to her and her family if Keyra had stayed much longer. 

I wonder how you are doing, Llya, she thought. Llya had looked a lot like herself, blonde hair and pretty green eyes, though she was a couple years younger. The two of them were instantly friends when Keyra had set foot in town and bumped into Llya. Thinking of Llya and her family reminded Keyra of her home town, a small village way out in the country. A prideful family that served the kingdom, giving them strong warriors that often protected the King or served in the army. 

It was nearing midday, the sun beating down hot on her shoulders. She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings, only watching her feet as she walked. Keyra missed the four men that were waiting in the bushes that lined the road. The trees were growing thicker as she entered the forest area heading north. Walking completely passed them; she didn't know they were there until they shouted at her. 

"Well, well. What do we have here? It's the Jewel Princess!" One yelled. The other three grinned widely at her as she turned around. Her hand dropped to her sword. She knew they didn't have any demon jewels, otherwise she would have reacted. Keyra recognized them, their black clothing marked them as shades. Slowly she took her sword from its sheath as she watched them carefully. 

They came at her soon after, their weapons flying from their sheathes in quick, harsh movements. She found herself surrounded in a matter of seconds. Having little training with her blade in the past, and only having fights as her source of practice, Keyra was hard pressed as she fought. Parrying was her best move, keeping them moving and their swords away from her. 

So they danced, steel screaming across steel, twisting and turning in a tight circle. Keyra's feet moved quickly so that she could keep her sword going. However, she was tiring quickly. They were four men against a very small woman. She crossed blades with one, tried to throw him off but in that instant, she felt fire through her side, just above her right hip. 

With a gasp, she dropped to her knees. Her sword shook as she barely staved off the other man's sword. A third rushed in and slashed his blade across her arm. The pain coursed through her and she dropped her weapon, unable to hold it up. The shade before her took a step back and drove his blade through her shoulder. Eyes widening, her heart leapt to her throat and she slowly fell backwards from the hit. 

The blade pulled out of her shoulder, taking with it a spray of blood. Keyra dropped on the ground, blood slowly soaking her clothes. Her vision wavered in and out as she watched the shades close in around her. All of them pulled their weapons back, grinning down at her as they prepared to kill her. 

"Looks like we've finally got you, you little wench. Time to make you pay for killing our comrades," the one standing right over her growled and started the downward plunge through her chest. Keyra's eyes softened as she watched the blade coming to end her life.

What life... There wasn't ever a life... There's nothing for me here anyway, she thought as she waited for death to claim her. 

Darkness shrouded her vision, a loud thud erupted in her ears, and a soft huff of air from lungs came next. Then, the ring of steel being drawn from a sheath, and finally, cries of rage and pain. Keyra focused her vision, the darkness moved and she realized it had been a cloak that had dropped over her. The cloak was attached to a body standing right over her. 

The man met the shades with his blade, knocking their weapons aside and cutting through their defenses. He lunged forward, crouched down as he went, his long sword running right through the shade. Without pause, he shifted easily on his feet and whirled to meet the next man. Swiping his blade up and to the side, he pushed the shade's sword sideways easily. He came back with the blade, slashing across the man's chest. Using that momentum, he came back to stand right over her, his sword leveled at the third man's throat. 

The shade dropped his weapon, turned and quickly ran. Only then did Keyra's savior straighten from his fighting position and sheath his sword. Slowly she got herself up into a sitting position and looked up at his face. Light brown hair framed his face, piercing brown eyes gazed down at her with a frown set firmly on his lips. 

Gripping her bloody shoulder, she found her voice, "Thank you."

"I didn't do it for you," the boy said and turned away. He started walking towards a couple of boxes that were left behind by the shades. As he approached them, one of the little boxes started shuddering violently. Keyra watched, startled as he slowly stepped up to it. A muffled voice could be heard from inside the box.

"Let me out! I want out NOW!"

Drawing his sword he sliced the little cargo cleanly in half. A terrified scream erupted from one half of the box as it fell apart. Turning away, the boy sheathed his sword once more and continued looking through the rest of the containers.

"Are you MAD!? You could have killed me!" The small voice was high pitched, and utterly angry. Keyra watched in awe as a tiny little figure hopped out of the box and stomped her feet. Glaring up at the young man, she shook a tiny fist at his back, "You inconsiderate beast! Are you listening to me?"

Still he didn't turn to face her, only continued to score the things left behind. Keyra pushed herself up to her knees and tried to stand. She stumbled as she put weight on her wounded hip. Quickly, she braced herself against a tree that was near the road. The tiny little... pixie gasped as Keyra moved. She jumped and rushed to the boy. Pointing and tugging at his cloak as he was kneeling down, she squeaked out, "Raiyn! Look! A woman! And she's injured! And pretty..."

He turned, glancing over his shoulder before going back to his searching, "Do what you like, Fay," his voice was monotonous, it was like he didn't care about anything. 

The little pixie thing rushed up to Keyra then. A bright blue light flashed and the tiny being stood at exactly her height. Startled, Keyra jumped slightly, lost her balance and fell on the ground with a thud. The pixie girl, knelt immediately, her blue hair blowing in the wind and wide brilliant blue eyes watching Keyra in concern.

"Don't move so much! Let me heal you," the pixie ordered, her high pitched voice having deepened slightly from her height change. 

"What the hell..."

"I'm a Fae. Half fairy half human," the blue haired girl beamed at her as she cast a healing spell over her shoulder, then moved to her arm and hip. "I prefer my fairy form though, unless I have to heal, which isn't often with Raiyn because he's a sword master!"

"That's enough, Fay. It's not here," Raiyn was standing then, his hands on his hips, the black cloak over his shoulders fluttering in the wind. His brown eyes narrowed as he looked down at Fay. 

"There aren't any demon jewels here?" Fay cried in anguish. 

Raiyn only cursed and turned away. He started walking down the path without a word. Keyra slowly got herself up, with an eyebrow raised she wondered why he was looking for demon jewels.

"If there were demon jewel's here, I would have known about it," she called. 

The young man stopped and slowly turned to face her, "How?" 

Keyra felt heat fill her face and knew that she was blushing under his hard gaze, "I... I... It just kind of... well, happens. It's hard to explain..." she muttered the last part.

Raiyn made a harsh sound with the air in his lungs, then turned to keep going, "Pathetic," he said and raised his hand at Fay, motioning for her to come with him. Fay turned to Keyra and bowed to her.

"See ya!"

Keyra watched them go, a little angry at the boy for being so cold, but grateful that he'd shown up when he did. She started walking again after she couldn't see him down the winding road through the forest. Her pace was slow, automatic even, as her thoughts revolved around the young man and what he wanted with demon jewels. 

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