
Monday, September 24, 2012

What it Takes to Remember

Is now up and ready for everyone to see!! Thank you so much for being patient and waiting for this new chapter. My apologies for it taking so long to get done.

Anyhow, the next chapter in the installment is called : The Mysterious Fighter

Hmmm... though I'm trying to think of a better title.

Here, I'll give you a bit of synopsis and perhaps you guys can help me with a title?

So, they're in a village, resting up. They are attacked again by the Shades, but its a losing battle and even Keyra is having a difficult time with the fight. Part way through the fight, a woman joins in and starts fighting with them, and the tide of the battle is turned.

Once the fight is over, the woman wishes to join them because she's been looking for the Jewel Princess. Raiyn is hesitant to let her come, but she's very insistent and Fay convinces him to let her come.

That's about all I've got for the idea right now. Of course the fight is most likely going to take up almost all of the chapter, so there ya have it! I hope you guys can come up with a better title than mine...



There's More!

I'm currently working on the next chapter of this adventure, I've gotten a lot of it written down on paper and now all that needs to be done is for it to be typed up. Which I'm working on as well. I am hoping to have a lot of it done tonight and possibly even posted up tonight.

Don't worry! There is more! I promise. Ever had those times where you know what you want to happen next, but you just can't get it on paper no matter what? Yeah, that's what I had gone through, but I finally had a break through and now it's all flowing once more. I should be back on track for every Thursday again! I'm very happy and excited.

Thanks for stopping by!!! And remember to check out my other blog.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Another blog

Hey everyone! So I have created another blog simply for the purpose of getting my writing out there and hopefully generating an audience. I do hope that you go and check it out. This one is for a project that is finished! (yay) and since it is finished, I'll have an easier time posting it up on the page. Thank you!! Please, check it out! Here's the Link :

Thursday, September 13, 2012


So, I'm feeling better. Still can't eat too much but at least I'm not almost getting sick and what not. Anyhow! I'm going to be working on the next couple of acts over the weekend and such and I hope to have at least two little chapters up for everyone by Monday. Thanks for being patient and hanging in there with me!

Look forward to more on Monday!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I'm sorry to say that I've fallen ill recently. I'm currently fighting off a stomach virus that's really kicking my butt at the moment. I haven't been able to eat much the past couple of days, and it's difficult to think properly on what to write next. I even had trouble sitting in my classes, which is so unlike me because I'm usually always in class and ready to go. I feel terrible that I had to take my first week of school off because of this. I'm hoping that I will be better soon so that I can get back to the normal swing of things.

Anyway, I'm sorry that I won't be able to get the next act of Jewel Princess up tomorrow. So, what I plan to do when I get better is to write both act five and six to make up for the lost time and have them both posted up on here as soon as possible. Thanks for waiting and I will have more, I promise!


Monday, September 3, 2012

My Enemy

Is writers block... and right now it's decided to hit. It totally sucks! I know the general idea for the next act in the project, but I can't seem to get the words down on paper. It's so very terrible! Plus, I've given myself a deadline (Thursdays) to have posts up for everyone's enjoyment, and I'm really freaking out that I may not be able to make it this round... So terrible.

I gotta try to come up with something, but then again, at the same time I don't want to rush it because I want it to be enjoyable and a good read still. I hate rushing things, because they never come out the same. Anyhow.. Had to get that off my chest. I will try my very best to get the next act done by Thursday, but... it may not be ready until Friday or even over the weekend. I apologize!


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Act 4

I finished! Yay! I must say, that in all my years of writing, I think that this little chapter is the longest fight scene I've ever written. I'm proud. I hope that you all enjoy it, and thanks for stopping by to read it!

Next: What It Takes to Remember

I'll have a preview of it later on in the week, probably over the weekend, and it will be featured at the end of They Call Themselves Shades.

Until next time!


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Preview

So, as requested, I put up a preview of the next act that's to come this Thursday. It's nearly finished!!!!! I'm very excited. The preview is at the end of 'Training with the Handsome Sword Master'. 

I hope its to everyone's liking. The large spacing in between each section is an indicator that each part is entirely separate as they each happen at different times in the chapter.

Okay, so I'm curious. I know it's super early in the story, but I'm just dying to know. Does anyone have a favorite character so far? A favorite part yet? Please, feel free to let me know! Thanks so much!!


Monday, August 27, 2012

A Bit of an Idea

So I got to thinking today, and this is probably because I'm really excited to get this next chapter out (I love action chapters, they are my favorite) but I wonder if you all would like it if I posted up little 'teasers' after each finished chapter. Kinda like a preview of whats going to happen next?

I think I'll do that. Especially if I have something written already. Its certainty not finished, but I've got enough to give you a taste of what the next act will have in store for you. Now, the question is do I do it as a page? Or do I do it as a regular post...

Hmm, well I'll figure that out sometime today. Probably do it as a page. Anyhow, its time to get to work on the next chapter, gotta get this action out of my head and down on paper.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Act 3

Finished! With a nice little cliff hanger that I know you all will love. Those are my favorites, of course I hate it when it happens in a good book, but hey, it keeps you reading right?

Anyway. The next one 'They Call Themselves Shades' will be all ready to go next week, Thursday. I'm looking forward to getting it written and out there for everyone to read. Thanks again for stopping by and checking this out! Until next time.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Training with the Handsome Sword Master

Yup, it's about that time again. Part three of this adventure is coming soon! I plan to have it all written by tomorrow before I have to work. So, I'll be working on it all day today. I'm looking forward to having it up and for everyone to read. I want to thank everyone that's stopped by and checked it out. I hope it's caught your attention. As a reminder, any comments on each of the chapters is more than welcome. Thank you and now... to the writing board!


Friday, August 17, 2012

The Art

I think it's safe to say that my artistic skills have diminished over the years. I'm sure with a little practice I could get back to where I was, but alas, as always people have been my downfall. Never could draw them. I did manage to draw Keyra, in fact I just finished her face about ten minutes ago. I've got to find my usb cable to hook up my phone so that I can download the picture and show it to you. It's definitely not the best of drawings, but I guess it will do for now.

With that said, if anyone is an artist (and I'm sure you'll be much better than me) and can draw anime, I'd like to see your rendition of Keyra and Raiyn. :) If you're interested as well, and would like to do some drawings for each of the 'chapters' please feel free to do so and I will happily accept them.

Thanks, and now it is time to finish up the second act.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Demon Jewel

The second act to this little adventure will be ready to go most likely tomorrow night. Thanks for checking this out and waiting for the next portion.


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Jewel Princess

Part 1 of the Jewel Princess is now posted and can be found on the side of this blog.

I wanted to give a short thanks for checking this out and reading the newest project that I have going right now. I'm currently working on some art for the project as well, hopefully soon I will have some pictures up to go with the writing.

I'm teaching myself how to draw anime, so it may take some time. The pictures won't have much to them either, as I'm really terrible at drawing scenery and human bodies. My goal is to at least get the faces down and their facial expressions to go with the story.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy it. Any comments are appreciated, especially ones that will help edit and keep things straight as we go along.
